They finally went 'til dark!

Between the bright sun and the wind the degree of difficulty was raised several notches today. I had landed one nice rainbow and had another on with three more fish rising within casting range - it was sunny - the caddis were hatching and the fish were feeding - and then the wind came - and when it came it didn't mess around - it blew.

From the time the wind hit until the sun went behind the hills seven hours later I caught one twelve inch fish. With the wind still blowing and the temp dropping I sat on the bank of the big river hoping to see a rise - and then the wind died -  and the first splashy rises appeared.  There were a mix of bugs on the water and the fish started
feeding in earnest. I changed flies several times trying to find one they would eat. The sulfur was refused by several fish - the caddis was eaten by three, then ignored.  finally the fish started feeding on top and ate my gray fox whenever I got it in front of them.

I ended up back at the car at eight-fifty-seven, the latest night so far, thankful for the last hour of action that erased all of the days frustration the wind had caused ( even the wind knots).


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