Green Drakes, Isos and Cornuta

The season is speeding by - Green Drakes are all but over on the Upper East and there was a big spinner fall at the one ninety one pool on the West Branch Thursday night.  Fished near Balls Eddy on Thursday and saw neither Duns nor Spinners.

Isos normally follow the drakes  and appear in numbers around Memorial Day.  Often times you can see as many as a dozen nymph husks on stream side rocks.  This year you have to look at a dozen rocks to find one husk.  Is it a poor year for Isos?  Has the heat held them back or are they over? Who knows?

The Cornuta (large olives)  arrive after all the big bugs and usually hatch in the morning in early in June.  I have looked for them both last week and this but in all the wrong places.  A Troutfitter regular called the shop to report seeing them Friday morning at the game lands. Friday night at the one ninety one bridge the trout and I were treated to a good Cornuta spinner fall.  Sometimes you can't miss, other times you don't even get to swing.

Fishing on the Delaware system remains tough. There are some positives, however, the 500 cfs release of cold water on the WB has flushed out the worst of the algae and should help cool down the upper few miles of the main stem.  What we need is a good cold front and a significant rain event.  It might give us a couple of additional weeks of fishing on the main stem and the big east.


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