What's cookin at Cooks Falls? The fish?

Returned to the river this morning - with the five hundred cfs release in the WB the worst of the algae problem has been sent down river for now.

The unfishable high temps have continued on the Big River and the Big East. The Beaverkill?  Who knows?  There have been no temperature readings at the USGS station there for years.

The three most critical stations (where thermal stress is most likely to occur )are Fish's Eddy on the EB, Lordville on the Big River and Cooks Falls on the Beaverkill.  They stopped reporting temps at Cooks Falls years ago and no one seems to care.  The shop owners who post water temps seem happy to write NA next to the Beaverkill water temp and people go right on fishing.  Perhaps they feel its better for business to have the people fishing. Someone should get this long neglected matter corrected (DEC, FUDR, TU) come on, step up!

Fishing remains poor - had enough hookups today but lost over half. Bugs were scarce morning, noon and night (except for dark caddis that covered my waders late).  Fished below Balls Eddy in the evening and saw no sign of big bugs, either duns or spinners (seems to be over there).

Fishermen, however remain in good supply.  Drove the entire length of the upper EB and couldn't find an empty spot to fish.  Gamelands had thirteen cars at five pm and the fishermen were lined up downstream of the one ninety one bridge..


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