Rainbows best Angler 119!

Fished the BE, BK and the UEB today.  Found rainbows lunching on a hatch of small caddis just after noon.  Had no problem getting them to eat my flies, landing them, however, was another story.  Three left wearing an Angler119 fly as a remembrance of the occasion. Managed to get only one of the six that I hooked into the net.

Mid afternoon I headed for the UEB in search of Hendricksons.  Found enough duns to get some fish up and feeding which kept me busy.  When the spinners came during the latter part of the hatch the action picked up as fish were none to fussy about what they ate.

Once again the bulk of the feeding fish were two and three year olds.  Full of fight to be sure but the absence of big fish for me has been a little disappointing.

In my travels I never saw a march brown.  There were considerably more anglers on the water today than yesterday.  The water is dropping ever so slowly and hooking into a bow on the big river  still seems a long ways off.

Get here when you can -- the rainbows today were a surprise.  The afternoon hendrickson show was as expected but you never know unless you go.


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