If only Dobson flies didn't twist the leader so much.

First day all week that things dried out enough to take care of yard chores.  Picked peaches (lots of 'em), mowed, pruned and weed killed.  By 3:00 I was tired but ready to fish.

 The high water had dictated that I fish the upper WB all this week, so with dropping water levels I was anxious to try the UEB.  The water level was ideal, the number of wade fishermen was low but the number of boats was high.  Stopped at several of my "look outs" on the way upstream, all had rising fish.  Planned to start out near Downsville and work my way downstream.  In formulating the plan, sulfurs came into play.  In the real world, they didn't.  There were small olives on the water everywhere I fished but most of the risers were yearlings.

As I moved downstream,  things started to happen.  Caught a 17 inch hatchery holdover at my first stop.  Three nice fish at my second stop.  The third stop had nary a riser and the fourth stop had two fishermen.  Added a fifth stop which had neither risers nor fishermen.

At 7;30 I headed for the big river where lower water temps offered possibilities of success.   Stockport had four cars so I passed.  Surely Buckingham, which has not had a trailer (or angler for that matter) in over two weeks, would offer solitude and perhaps rising fish.  Wrong again.  Three trailers and three cars greeted me in the parking lot.  Had no where else to go so I ambled down the beautiful path along the shore to the first open spot and commenced to fish.  I needn't  have bothered.  There were fish but they were feeding subsurface, perhaps on the  emerging caddis which managed to get between my glasses and my eyes several times.  The angler upstream from me hooked and landed two fish, at least one of which was good sized.  Me?  I also landed two fish.  A 12 inch fall fish and a 10 inch rainbow.

At least the Dobson flies that  flew around my head never landed.


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