Rain, rain, go away.

There's just nothing I can say.  When I can fish, I'm having a really good days.  But I've been rained out so many days this season that my total catch for the yeas is sure to be the lowest in almost ten years.

Went to bed last night with flash flood warnings posted for Delaware County.  This morning the
USGS gauges were going straight up and most of the river system was already unfishable.  Took my time running errands with little hope of fishing.  At three I looked at the Hale Eddy gauge and left for the camp.

When I arrived in Deposit about 5:00 the water was clear  above Oquaga  and below, only a little "stained" as they now say.  Saw a few fish (good ones) rising in a flat water pool and decided to give them a try. Out of the six fish I threw at, two ignored, three refused and one ate (and came unstuck during its initial run).

There were no wade fishermen where I was and only one boat (the flash flood warning effect again).  In my drive around the upper WB I saw no risers (or waxwings for that matter).  Took off the waders and headed for camp before seven.

Crossed an angry, orange colored East Branch in town and looked out at a high and muddy big river from the camp window.  It will be several days (without more rain) before either is fishable.


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