It doesn't help your fishing to be in a fog.

Arrived at camp about 1:00 to find that one of the large rhododendrons out front had been blown over by Mondays wind and that several limbs on the peach trees had been pulled down and broken by the local deer and their friends.  Spent most of the afternoon trying to restore order.  Considerable work remains.

Left to fish about 4:15 and turned the wrong way.  Had come through showers around Deposit on the way down and wanted to avoid the fog so I headed to the UEB.  They had had rain earlier but the tribs were clear and the road dry.  Never saw a rise anywhere and five of the seven spots I considered fishing already had a fisherman in them.

Back on the road headed for the WB.  To my surprise there was no fog.  Drove through several showers and stopped wherever I could get a look at the stream, again no risers and very few fishermen.  By 7:15 there were sulfurs on the water, which was clear above Oquaga and a little milky below, when I saw a couple fish rise I decided to give it a try.

From 7:30 until 8:50 when I got back to the car there was rain (some quite heavy), fog, sulfurs and rising fish.  I was refused by several fish in a downpour so heavy it was hard to believe they could even see the fly let alone refuse it.  Enough fish ate the fly to make the hourly catch rate impressive but the daily catch total was only in the "fair" category.

If you have any intention of fishing this week, check the stream levels and weather radar before you leave home.  There are lots of showers passing through in hit or miss fashion, some are quite heavy.  The UEB is below 200 CFS and the BK, right next door, is over 2,000 CFS.  There is a flash flood watch in effect until Wednesday evening.  Everything may be blown out or the rain may freshen the tribs and improve fishing.  I'll try to go and let you know.


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