Raindrops keep fall'in on my head - - -

My 6:00 pm posting of yesterday (Wednesday) was quickly followed by a night of  heavy rain.  All rivers in the system are unfishable today.  The WB was spared the worst of it and streamer enthusiasts might well be able to float and fish on the weekend (assuming no additional precipitation).

The Beaverkill crested at about 11.000 CFS, (above the 10,000 CFS flood line), with the EB hitting 15,000 CFS at the Fishs Eddy gage.  With the addition of WB water and tribs along the way the Big River back of camp will probably hit about 20,000 CFS.

The good news?  This last batch of storms finally hit both branches above the reservoirs and they are receiving a healthy dose of additional water.  Perhaps NYC will open the spigots when things quiet down and give the rivers some additional cold water.

Enjoy your weekend. 


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