It's good to be back on the river.

The weather forecast calling for two rainy days in a row got me packing the car and heading back down to the camp. It was a little chilly inside the camp and I had to turn on the heat to get things warmed up.  Left camp at about 1:30 hoping for pseudos and rising fish.

Drove up the PA side and saw nothing but muddy water. The river was just starting to come down from the cut back in the release from Cannonsville. Six boat trailers at Buckingham but nary a bug or riser to be seen there.  Stockport had a couple of trailers but only one car. 

Don't like to wade in the muddy water when you can't see bottom unless there are bugs and risers.  I headed up the BE and UE looking for bugs. First rise I saw was at Harvard. There were fishermen in most of the pools in the lower half of the UE and when I saw a couple of rises in a pool with no fishermen I didn't need to be told to get fishing. There were enough fish up to keep me interested and enough fish that ate my fly to make it worthwhile. The fish were  two year olds (perhaps the big browns are heading for their spawning grounds).  I managed to lose two at the net, break one off on the strike (7x) and still land about half a dozen.

When things shut down about six I got in the car and drove over to the Beaverkill mostly to fill up my water jugs at spring I often use. Water flow was so low at the spring I didn't even bother. Drove along the river until I saw fish rising. Got down to the stream and saw a good number of the small brown caddis migrating upstream to the arctic circle where they finally lay their eggs and fall. To my surprise I saw a good number of rises (could see nothing on the water) and most of the fish ate what I gave them. The fish were a mix of browns and rainbows ranging in size from 11 to 13 inches. No wall hangers or photo op fish but they obviously hadn't been fished to recently and ate without regard to the hook in the fly.

There was an all afternoon mist/drizzle that didn't even wet the road under the trees in Lordville.  As things now stand the browns can't get up any of the tribs to spawn. Hopefully tomorrow it will rain! 


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