Rainy days and pseudos - - -

At 7:00 this morning it had still not wet the ground under the trees in Lordville. By 8:00 it was raining and it has rained most of the day.  If the browns are going to get up the tribs we need much more of the same but at least it's a start.

Couldn't mow the lawn, so I left early hoping to find some olives hatching (I didn't).  Caught a nice rainbow on a blind cast in the BE and lost a another nice one in the BK.  At 2:30 I drove up the UE, found one of the better pools in the lower half  empty, parked and waded in.

There were pseudos and what looked (in my hand) like "pink ladies" that appeared enormous compared to the pseudos but were somewhere around a 16/18, all over the water. The fish?  They were rising EVERYWHERE. A blind man would have covered three fish on every cast.  Did they eat? You betcha!  Was into really nice sized fish (both browns and rainbows) for four solid hours.  In the very low water you had to let things settle down between fish but there were feeding fish until 6:30. Drove back to camp singing  (with apologies to the Carpenters) "Rainy days and pseudos always make me glad".

Have been asked to speak on behalf of wade fishermen in a panel discussion on "River Etiquette" put on by FUDR tomorrow afternoon at their "Water Water Everywhere" program. The other panel members are two guides and a drift boat fisherman, survival will be my primary goal.


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