A dozen things I just know to be true.

Haven't lectured lately on things that I just know to be true, so here goes:

1-On this river, it's harder to fool fish with a big fly than a little one.
2-Trout NEVER miss a dry fly they want to eat, if you don't get a hookup when one rises to your fly, something was wrong with either the fly or the cast.
3-Never throw the same fly back at a fish that refused it, it just confirms his decision.
4-Trout are seldom, if ever, eating just one kind of bug, they eat anything that floats by without a hook in it.
5-Casting is the most important factor in being able to catch fish.
6-You have to put the fly in a two inch wide feeding lane and float it drag free over the fish.
7-Don't be in a hurry to pick up your fly when it floats past the fish, the noise of the pickup lets the fish know you are there.
8-Never fall in love with a fish, once he knows you are there the odds of catching him drop to near zero.
9-Watch the white bubbles nearest your fly, if they are moving at a different speed than your fly, you're just wasting your time.
10-  Drive for show, putt for dough. The guy making 30 foot accurate casts will out fish the guy rocketing out 85 footers every time.
11- Spikes in your wading boots make wading easier but the sound of them scraping against the rocks tells the fish you are there.
12- You will never catch a fish with your fly in the hook keeper, keep your fly in the water, the more casts you make the more fish you will raise.


  1. Hi Angler119, These are fantastic points you make and should help people improve their fishing. I know that all of these points helped me greatly. Thank you for sharing.


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