Some people just won't follow advice.

Just yesterday I went to great lengths to tell you where to go to meet bugs and rising fish.  Got up this morning and went in the opposite direction.  Why?  It was all a plan to keep you away from the good fishing.  No, it was just a spur of the moment decision  to say good by to the BR (at least the middle section) until fall.  The last two cold nights brought the BR water temp down into fishable levels and the predicted temps for the next three days will probably end the fishing there. Guides seldom venture below Buckingham after big bug season on bright sunny days and I just love to fish the BR when no one else is around.  So I just went.

 About the only mistake I made was putting on two shirts (temp was 54 when I left the car).  Not an hour later the second shirt was in the back of my fishing vest. Saw one boat early and if they were going all the way to Long Eddy, I hope they were shad fishing.

The fishing - After about 10 days of almost no fishing pressure, the fish were relaxed and feeding. There were almost no bugs hatching but I saw some small spinners on the water when I crossed over (for better visibility) so I tied on a little spinner. Only changed flies when they got too chewed up to float. Had three fish break off and didn't care, lost the last three fish I hooked and didn't care.  It was a good, goodbye. 

By 6:00 I was ready to go again but it was too early, I went anyway. Shouldn't have.  Even though it had clouded over and there were some medium sized olives on the water the fish were in no mood to eat. Around seven thirty, another fisherman waded out into the river, crossed over and fished the far side. Thought he was being respectful and courteous until he waded back across and came down to talk and then start fishing about 25 feet below me.  Didn't matter, if you count the 17 inch fall fish (measured) it was another four for five night with a couple of really big rainbows in the group of four.

If you are going to be fishing this weekend go back to the "I got rhythm - - -" page and you'll be good. The BR isn't for everybody and by three tomorrow it will probably be too hot for anybody to fish.  


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