As promised.


So where did I fish?  

First some background. The action last week was on the freestones (BK,BR,EB). Why? Much warmer water and the bugs hatched there most of the week. Yesterday, the BK was at 1200 cfs, too high to wade safely. At 3,600 cfs I know of only a couple places on the BR where I consider it safe to fish. The EB at 2,000 cfs was also only wade able by me in a few places. The UEB, where they have only been releasing about 85 cfs was warm and had Hendricksons last week. Yesterdays flow of about 400 cfs was ideal for waders and they flocked to Long Eddy and Power Line pools. I drove up as far as Shinhopple with hopes of finding a spot to fish but the crowds of fishermen AND the absence of bugs in the now cold water at 3:30, (Hendricksons hatch between 3:00 and 5:00 on normal spring days), kept me in the car. Drove back down to the BE and found pseudos, Hendricksons and yes, March Browns hatching with fish feeding at 4:00. I waded in.

The fishing -  It didn't last long. Had five boats come by, all giving me lots of room. One boat anchored  across from me and hooked two of the risers. I found a bank sipper early on and was able to get him to eat a Hendrickson. It turned out to be a 21 inch brown (my first 20 incher of the year). Was able to reach several other risers and got three more to eat my fly. Landed two rainbows one 18 and one 16. Lost the third. Out in the heavy current they took a long time to land. By 5:00, even with the sun shining brightly, the Hendricksons stopped hatching. The sun loving apple caddis made a late appearance but the fish shut down and so did I.  

The WB up top is a favorite spot for anglers when the rivers are blown out but the release of 700 cfs of ice cold water has delayed the hatches there.

Thanks to all who ventured a guess. Ed Smith's decision was a good one. High water is dangerous and if you don't know where you can wade safely at a particular level it's no time to learn. Everybody seemed to be giving the conditions some thought before choosing where to fish instead of leaving home knowing "the spot where they will be fishing" - well done!

                                                                The bank sipper.

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