Sometimes It's the going, not the getting there that's good.


The Delaware River watershed is blessed with an incredible abundance of wildlife. Eagles get the headlines but if you have sharp eyes and are observant you should catch sight of some of the smaller birds with spectacular coloration. Have yet to see an Indigo Bunting this year but was entertained by a little male Redstart warbler that flitted around in the stream side bushes where I was standing on Thursday. Hadn't seen a Scarlet Tanager in several years until I saw a bright red and black male sitting in the middle of Lordville road yesterday. Went about a mile further up the hill and another male flew across the road and lit on a low branch where I could see him clearly.

Saw four gray foxes this week including a young one that was standing in the road eating something when I went around a sharp bend on Peas Eddy Road. The little guy walked over to the shoulder and stood looking at me while eating his lunch. Got the phone out to take a picture but he went under the guard rail and all I could see was his legs. 

On the way home last night in the dark I had to swerve to miss a very small rattlesnake that was soaking up the heat from the pavement. Went back for a closer look and he somewhat reluctantly moved off the road into the tall grass where he won't be as warm but will probably live longer. This is the time of year when I am most apt to see them on the road. Saw one that was run over on 191 last week. Saw two road kills and three live ones right around fourth of July last summer..

The blue birds in the back yard are in and out of the nesting box feeding their second brood. The first brood fledged when I was sick. Have seen them around the yard several times. I think the male blue bird is the same one that used the box last year. Every other blue bird we've had has hunted in plain sight of the house, often using the apple tree on the corner of the porch as a perch to spot bugs in the yard. Not this one, he seems to do his hunting across the railroad tracks in the mowed grass by the river, sightings of him are rare.

Little green herons nest in our sea grape tree in Florida but they are also around here in the summer. Have yet to spot one on the ground but have seen several flying across the river. Up close their coloration has an aristocratic air. Sort of like an expensive custom made suit.

Often times it's what you see coming and going that makes the day worthwhile. Take the time to enjoy the journey.




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