Is it hot?

Weather Underground says it was 94 in Hancock today.  I don't believe
it.  I had two shirts on and when I got in the car at 8:30 I had to
turn the heater on. When I got to the camp the thermostat said 80
degrees. It felt good. Why? Because I spent five hours wading the ice
cold WB casting to rising trout. Was it worth it? Um, yes.

Delaware River fish are not stupid. I tell anyone who will listen that
if you can catch them on a dry fly, you can catch fish anywhere. I've
been saying how good the fishing's been ever since DEP started to
drain Cannonsville.The fish were gulping sulfurs and they ate mine
with no hesitation, the last two days I've fished, however, I haven't
caught a fish on a sulfur.

 Last week, you cast a steno, they ate. Today not so much. The sun was
bright,( even if it was a little chilly), bugs got off the water
quickly and the fish were very careful about what they ate. I got
refusals on everything I threw.  It meant changing flies on almost
every other cast (if the Troutfitter guys want me to write this
report, the least they could do is comp my 6x tippet).

How was the fishing? When you can cast at (and even hook and catch)
Delaware River Browns and Bows from 3:30 until 7:30.  It was HOT!!!


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