I don't know what to say---

In May fishermen line the stream like a picket fence and boats in a
seemingly unending parade weave in and out of the wade fishermen
trying to get to a place where they too can fish.  The Hendricksons
are hatching!!!  From three 'til five most afternoons Hendricks hatch,
fish rise and anglers cast.  Because of the number of anglers and the
constant disturbance created by the boat traffic, nobody catches very
many fish. It is an event.  Winter is over.  Spring has sprung.  I get
all that.

BUT during the last two weeks, bugs, LOTS and LOTS of them in all
shapes and sizes have been hatching on the river system from two
thirty until seven thirty, every day without fail. The fish?  They are
eating them.  Better on cloudy days than bright sunny days but even on
the sunny days they are up and eating and anglers would have fish to
cast to from two-thirty until seven-thirty.

Had the river to myself again today.  Saw two boats and one angler
half a mile away. The fish, undisturbed as they were, ate everything
(even caught them on sulfurs). Part of me is glad no one is here.
Another part says why?


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