The wheels came off.

After a great trip to the Owyhee River in Oregon and fifteen days of
nonstop bugs and rising fish in the Delaware, it was bound to happen.
Today it did. I should have seen it coming. Yesterday I lucked into a
morning olive hatch which provided me with great fishing, the rest of
the day was filled with an ever increasing number of refusals and lost
fish. Thinking the month was over I sat down last night and totaled up
my catch for the month (perhaps an omen), only to later realize that
there was another day to go.

From Tuesday to today the increase in the number of fishermen was
amazing. For the first time in over two weeks you had to share a pool.
Pools that I had to myself now had anglers everywhere. The sum was
bright, clouds scarce and bugs in their usual numbers. Fish were
rising but were "missing the fly". I heard three different anglers say

From the outset it was clear the I was star crossed. My first cast was
eaten by a large rainbow that promptly came unstuck, as did all seven
fish that ate my fly. I never landed a one. When the action slowed I
left the WB and headed for the big river.  With crowded parking areas
at Stockport and Buckingham I ended up at Lordville where I shared the
pool with one other angler. There were no bugs,no risers and we both
got a goose egg for our efforts. Some days are like that.

At least I don't have to revise my monthly catch figures.


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