Clouds take take the day off.

Got to fish with Rick from the Troutfitter today.

The bright sun in a cloudless sky on what might well have been the
hottest day of the year didn't slow down the sulfurs.  They came in
good numbers.  The stenos also hatched but there didn't seem to be as
many of them as usual.

The fish?  They are not fond of bright sun.  If there was a cloud in
the sky at any time all day, I missed it. Did they rise? Yes, but they
didn't "go good".  There were periods where you really had to look to
find a rising fish.  Those that did rise, did so carefully and often
times just once. Both Rick and I had more refusals than takes.

Was it a good day? We hooked a couple dozen fish between us and landed
about fifteen. For the most part we had fish to throw at and weren't
bothered by the heat at all. In fact the first thing Rick did when he
got back to his car was to turn the heater on. It's hard not to have a
good day when you're out on the Delaware catching fish.


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