Too hot, too soon

The ragged robin which grows in the drainage ditches along highways is in bloom. It creates a pastel pink ribbon that is beautiful to see. It also signals the start of the Green Drake hatch.

With the unseasonably hot weather most all of he Big River, big EB and Beaverkill  will have temps above seventy during  the day and should not be fished.  The upper EB and the WB should be ok temp wise but are too low to be floated without interfering with the wade fishermen attempting to fish them.

Many of the more ethical guides have cancelled their trips until flows are increased or it cools off.  Unfortunately there are some who feel that they have a right to be on the river and don't care how many peoples fishing they disrupt.  If you are coming - leave your boat at home - wade fish early in the morning - then enjoy the Catskills.
Evening fishing under these  conditions lasts less than an hour and with the high water temps, is probably better left for another time.

Enjoy the holiday!


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