Wind knots and tailing loops.

With all rivers in the Delaware system well above safe wading levels I decided to spend the day catching up on things that have been neglected with my irregular comings and goings. Did some yard work, put one and a half coats of red paint on the new screen door, did a good camp cleaning, spent a delightful  hour on the phone with a fellow Delaware River fisherman who I have scarcely seen since the pandemic and made a list of items that I need to bring down on my next trip. It being only six o'clock I decided it was a good time to try to answer your questions.

Jack M.-  I'm not usually one to get out on the river early unless I am reasonably sure something good is going to happen (tricos) or if it promises to be so hot that fishing is limited to early and late hours (my split days). That said, the Hendrickson spinner falls are always worth attending.  The problem is no one (at least I) never know exactly when they will occur.  I'm quite sure they are temperature related.  Early on they often occur at the same time as the hatch, except on windy days when they just don't happen at all.  Later when it warms up (???) the spinners can be found over the riffs, no not at six or seven (at least by me) but when the sun is on the water and things start to come alive (think 9:00). 

You also asked about my driving habits.  I'm operating under the delusion that I need to know what's happening everywhere all the time.  Of course one person can't do this, but I have acquired a bit of knowledge about the progression of hatches on the different rivers and try to put myself, not in the path of the Delaware River Armada (DRA) but rather on a part of the river that is not being heavily floated. My goal is to be where the next bug to hatch has started but no one yet knows. It is, at best, an inexact science and usually the best advice is to go where the boats go (the guides know you know), but every once in a while - things fall in place and I'm glad I'm just me.

Jim N. - Me too!

Dennis - Hendrickson's just taste better than caddis.

Barry H. - We have a daughter over in Ft. Myers, we winter  down in the Keys.  If  you give me a number and we are over visiting our daughter, I'll give you a call.  


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