Sometimes A Change Of Scenery Soothes The Soul.


The storm that went through during the night pushed the gage at Hale Eddy up to, 1,400cfs with 500cfs of it coming as a chocolate milk shake from Oquaga.  I don't care how many times DRC tells you that the Stilesville gage is at 500cfs and the water is clear down to Oquaga, don't believe it. Sometimes you can fish there, but don't drive here expecting to do so based on the DRC report. There are two tribs (Cold Springs Brook and Butler Brook) that pour muddy water into the WB one above the Stilesville Parking area and one below it. Monday they had the river colored up above Oquaga and they probably did this morning. I don't know, 'cause I had no intention of driving up to find out. Stayed at camp and crossed things off my new to-do list.

With the BR (Big River a/k/a Main Stem)  also colored and high this morning I decided it was as good a time as any to give the UEB a try. At 5:00 with the temps in the fishable range in all the eastern water I set out on a tour. Actually saw a fish rise in the BK, and stopped at several pools on the UEB that had a rise or two. Glassed the water and saw no bugs. There were three cars at Long Flat on the way up and but one on the way back. Hadn't caught a fish in the UEB all year and in order to keep my franchise alive I decided to give it a try.

The fishing - There were hardly any bugs - so - there were hardly any risers - but - the fish that did rise ate my fly. Lost two (and here's the good part) but hooked and landed four fish between 11 and 13 inches (two and three year old wild fish). It's been three years since the last stocking of the UEB and I expect an increase in the wild fish there. For me those fish were a good sigh. Also hooked and landed two beautiful wild browns 18 and 19.75 inches. Left the river early as lightning bolts hit the tops of  hills on three sides of me. I just might try the UEB again if the WB and BR happen to get "stained".

Got to chat with a friend of mine, and more importantly, of the river, who was involved in a very bad car accident two months ago. He has been doing serious rehab for multiple broken bones and is now up and walking (with a staff). In fact, if I'm not mistaken, he was throwing a fly at a rising fish in his "home pool" when I drove by him on the way back to the Lordville Estate. 


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